Publications of data from the Isotrace
Laboratory in chronological order.
N.H. Gale
and Z. Stos-Fertner. 1978. ‘Lead Isotope Composition of Egyptian Artefacts’. MASCA J., 19-22.
Gentner, O. Muller, G. A. Wager and N. H. Gale, 1978. ‘Silver sources of
archaic Greek Coinage', Naturwissenschaften
LXV, 273-284
N. H.
Gale, 1978. 'Lead Isotopes and Aegean Metallurgy'. In ‘Thera and the Aegean World, Vol.1', Ed. C.
Doumas, London, 529-545
Gale, 1979. 'Lead Isotopes and Archaic Silver Coins'. Archeo-Physika (Bonn) Bd.
10, 194-208.
Z. Stos-Fertner, N.H. Gale.
1979. ‘Chemical
and lead isotope analysis of ancient Egyptian gold, silver and lead’, Archeo-Physika (Bonn) 10 , 299-314.
G. A. Wagner,
W. Gentner, O. Muller and N. H. Gale 1979. 'Chemical and Lead Isotope analyses
of ores from the ancient silver mines on Siphnos’, 19th International Symposium on
Archaeometry, London.
N. H.
Gale, 1980. ‘Some aspects of Lead and Silver Mining in the Aegean’, In Thera and the Aegean World, Vol. III,
Aris and Phillips Ltd., 161-195.
G. A.
Wagner, W. Gentner, H. Gropengiesser and N. H. Gale. 1980. 'Early Bronze Age
Lead-Silver Mining and Metallurgy in the Aegean: The Ancient Workings on
Siphnos’. In British Museum Occasional Paper 20, Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy, edited
by P. T. Craddock, 63-85.
N. H.
Gale, W. Gentner and G. A.Wagner. 'Mineralogical and Geographical Silver
Sources of Archaic Greek Coinage.' 1980. In Roy. Num. Soc. Special Publication No.13,
Metallurgy in Numismatics, Vol.11,
edited by D. M. Metcalf, 3-50
V. E.
Chamberlain and N. H. Gale. 1980. ‘The Isotopic Composition of lead in Greek
coins and in Galena from Greece and Turkey’, Proc. 16th Int. Symp. on
Archaeology and Archaeological Prospection, Edinburgh 1976 Proceedings,
National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. 139-155
Gentner, E. Pernicka, G. A. Wagner, N. H. Gale and M. Vavelidis. 1981. ‘Ancient
Lead and Silver on Thasos, Greece’. Actes du XXme Symposium
International d’Archéometrie, Revue d’Archéometrie, Supplement, 227-237.
Z.A. Stos-Gale, N.H. Gale.
1981. 'Sources
of galena, lead and silver in Predynastic Egypt'. Actes du XXme Symposium
International d’Archéometrie, Revue
d'Archéometrie, Supplement, 285-295.
Gale, N.
H., Spooner, E. T. C., and Potts, P. J. 1981. ‘The lead and strontium isotope
geochemistry of metalliferous sediments associated with the Upper Cretaceous
ophiolitic rocks in Cyprus, Syria and the Sultanate of Oman’. Can. Journ. Earth Sci. 18, 1290-302.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1981: 'Ancient Egyptian Silver.' Journal of
Egyptian Archaeology 67, 103-115.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1981: 'Lead and silver in the ancient Aegean.' Scientific
American Vol. 244, No. 6, 176-192.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1981: 'Cycladic lead and silver metallurgy.' Annual
of the British School at Athens, 76, 169-224.
Gruel, K. and Gale, N.H. 1981:
Quelques constations sur l’origine de l’argent de monnaies coriosolites. Proceedings
of the conference on : Mines et fonderies antiques de la Gaule – Toulouse
21-23 Nov 1981.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1982: 'Sources of Mycenaean Silver and Lead.' Journal of
Field Archaeology, Vol. 9, 467-485.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1982: 'Bronze Age Copper Sources in the Mediterranean:
A new approach.' Science, Vol. 216, 11-19.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Spitaels, P. 1982: 'Perati and Bronze Age Silver
Production in the Laurion, Attica'. Miscellanea Graeca, fasc. 5, 97-103.
V. Gale, N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1983: 'Two silver ingots from Cyprus', Antiquity
LVII, 211-214.
Stos-Gale, Z.A., Gale, N.
H. and
Gilmore, G. R. 1984: 'Early Bronze Age Trojan metal sources and Anatolians in
the Cyclades'. Oxford Journal of Archaeology Vol. 3/3, 23-44.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1984: 'The Minoan Thalassocracy and the Aegean Trade.' The
Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality. R. Hagg and N. Marinatos eds. Skrifter
utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, Series 4, XXXII, Stockholm. 59-64.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1984: 'Cycladic metallurgy'. The Prehistoric
Cyclades. J. A. MacGillivray and R.E.L.N. Barber eds, Edinburgh. 255-276.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1984: 'Lead isotope and chemical analyses of silver,
lead and copper artefacts from Pyla-Kokkinokremos.' Appendix V. Pyla-Kokkinokremos.
V. Karageorghis and M. Demas, Nicosia, 96-103.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1984: 'Mystery of Timna's iron solved by lead isotope
'fingerprinting'. IAMS Newsletter No. 6, 6-8.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Davis, J.L. 1984: 'The provenance of lead used at
Ayia Irini, Keos.' Hesperia Vol. 53 No. 4, 389-406.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A.., Papastamataki, A. and Leonis, K. 1985: 'Copper Sources
and Copper Metallurgy in the Aegean Bronze Age'. Proceedings of the
Symposium on Early Furnace Technology, British Museum, London 1982, P.T.
Craddock and M.J. Hughes eds. British Museum Occasional Paper No.48, 81-102.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Gilmore, G.R. 1985: 'Alloy types and copper sources
of Anatolian copper alloy artefacts'. Anatolian Studies Vol. XXXV,
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1985: 'Lead isotope analysis and Alashiya: 3.' Report
of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus, Nicosia. 83-99.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1985: 'Cyprus and the Bronze Age Metals Trade.' Proceedings
of the Second International Congress of Cypriot Studies, Nicosia 1982. 51-66.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1985: 'The ''Fingerprinting'' of Metals by Lead
Isotopes and Ancient Iron Production at Timna.' Discussions in Egyptology 1,
Z.A. and Gale, N.H.1985: 'Metal Sources and the Metal Trade in the Bronze Age
Aegean - The Isotopic Evidence'. Mycenaean Seminar, 20 February, Institute of
Archaeology, London. Published in BICS 32, 157-158.
Z.A. 1986: 'X-ray fluorescence and Lead Isotope Analysis'. A Survey of
Numismatic Research 1978-1984. Scientific techniques in Numismatics.
M. Price, E. Besley, D. Macdowall, M. Jones and A. Oddy eds. International
Association of Professional Numismatists, Special Publication No. 9. London.
Stos-Gale, Z.A., Gale, N.H.
and Zwicker, U. 1986: 'The copper
trade in the south east Mediterranean region; preliminary scientific evidence.'
Reports of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. Nicosia. 122-144.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H.1986: 'Report on an over-life size bronze statue from
Enkomi.' Kypriaka IX, by V. Karageorghis. Reports of the Department
of Antiquities, Cyprus. Nicosia. 45-54.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A.1986: 'Oxhide ingots in Crete and Cyprus and the Bronze
Age metals trade.' Annual of the British School at Athens. Vol. 81.
L., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1986: 'Testimonianze di Metallurgia Minoica
dalla Zona di Nerokourou (Kydonias)'. Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici,
XXVII. 155-171.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1987: 'Oxhide Ingots from Sardinia, Crete and Cyprus
and the Bronze Age Copper Trade.' Studies in Sardinian Archaeology III,
Nuragic Sardinia and the Mycenaean World. M.S. Balmuth ed. BAR
International Series 387. 135-179.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1988: 'Recent evidence for a possible Bronze Age metal
trade between Sardinia and the Aegean', Problems in Greek Prehistory,
Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at
Athens, Manchester 1986. E.B. French and K.A. Wardle eds. 355-385.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A., Papastamataki, A. and Leonis, S. 1988: 'An Early Bronze
Age Copper Smelting Site on the Aegean Island of Kythnos.' Aspects of
Ancient Mining and Technology. J.E. Jones ed. Acta of a British School at
Athens Centenary Conference, Bangor. 23-31.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1989: 'Some Aspects of Early Cycladic copper
metallurgy.' Proceedings of the Colloquium Mineira y
Metalurgia en las Antiguas Civilizaciones Mediterraneas y Europeas, Madrid. C. Domergue ed. 21-38.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1989: 'Bronze Age Archaeometallurgy of the
Mediterranean: The impact of lead isotope studies.' Archaeological Chemistry
IV, American Chemical Society, ed. R.O. Allen. Washington D.C. 159-198.
U., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1989: 'A study of the metal provenance of
some silver quinars from Southern Germany using metallurgical and lead isotope
analyses.' Proceedings of the 10 International Numismatic Congress. I. Carradice
ed. International Association of Professional Numismatists, Publication No.11.
London. 117-124, Plts. 12-13.
Z.A. 1989: 'Cycladic Copper Metallurgy'. Proceedings of the International
Symposium Old World Archaeometallurgy. A.
Hauptmann, E. Pernicka and G.A. Wagner eds. Der Anschnitt, Beiheft 7,
279-293. ISBN
3-921 533-42-2.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1989: 'Some aspects of Cypriote metallurgy in the Middle
and Late Bronze Age.' Actes de Deuxième Rencontre égéenne
internationale, Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent. R. Laffineur ed. Aegaeum 3. Liege.
250-256. ISBN D-1989-04804.
Z.A. 1990: 'Lead isotope studies of metals and the metals trade in the Bronze
Age Mediterranean.' Scientific Analysis in Archaeology. J. Henderson ed.
Oxford University Committee for Archaeology and the UCLA Institute of
Archaeology. Oxford. 274-301.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1990: 'The role of Thera in the Bronze Age metal trade.'
Proceedings of the III Thera Congress, A. Hardy, ed. Thera and the Aegean
World III. Thera Foundation, London. Vol. I, 72-92. ISBN 0 9506133 7 1.
N.H., Bachmann, H.G., Rothenberg, B. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1990: 'The
Adventitious Production of Iron in the Smelting of Copper in Timna, W. Arabah.'
The Ancient Metallurgy of Copper. B. Rothenberg ed. IAMS, UCL London.
182-191. ISBN 0 906183 030.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A. Lilov, P., Dimitrov, M. Todorov, T.
1991: 'Recent studies of Eneolithic copper ores and artefacts in Bulgaria.' Proceedings
of the Colloquium ''Découverte du Metal''. Saint
Germaine-en-Laye. January 1989. C. Eluere ed. Edition Picard, Millenaires.
49-75. ISBN 2 7084 0409 1.
Hatz, G., Hatz, V., Zwicker,
U., Gale, N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A.1991: 'Otto-Adelheid-Pfennige -
Untersuchungen zu Munzen des 10./11. Jahrhunderts.' Commentationes de Nummis Saeculorum IX-XI. In Suecia
Repertis. Nova Series 7. The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and
Antiquities. 59-146.
Z.A. 1991: 'Neutron Activation Analysis of copper ores, copper based metal and
slags.' Neutron Activation and Plasma Emission Spectrometry Analyses in
Archaeology. British Museum Occasional Paper No. 82. M.G. Hughes, M.R.
Cowell and D.R. Hook eds. British Museum Department of Scientific Research,
London. 227-248.
Z.A., Macdonald, C. and Gale, N.H. 1991: 'New studies of Final Chalcolithic and
Early Bronze Age copper metallurgy in Cyprus.' Proceedings of the colloquium
"Découverte du metal" Saint-Germain-en-Laye. January 1989.
C. Eluere ed. Edition Picard, Millenaires. 341-355. ISBN 2 8084 0409 1.
Z.A. and Macdonald, C. 1991: 'The Sources of metals and trade in the Bronze
Age.' Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean. N.H. Gale ed., SIMA XC,
Paul Åströms Förlag, Goteborg, 249-288.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1992: 'New light on the provenance of the copper oxhide
ingots found on Sardinia.' Sardinia in the Mediterranean: a Footprint in the
Sea. Studies in Sardinian Archaeology presented to Miriam Balmuth.
R.H.Tycot and T.K. Andrews eds. Sheffield Academic Press. 317-346.
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1992. Sources of copper used on Thasos in Late Bronze and
Early Iron Age. In: Ch. Koukouli-Chrysantaki Ed. Proto-historic Thasos. (Protoistoriki
Tasos.) Vol. B. Tameio Arhaiologikon Poron kai Apallotrioseon. Athens. 781-793.
Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1992.
‘L’analisi dei rapport isotopici del piombo.’ In F. Nicosia and M. Diana eds. La Chimera
D’Arezzo. Il Torchio. Florence. 128-131.
Z.A.1992: 'The origin of metal objects from the Early Bronze Age site of Thermi
on Lesbos.' Oxford Journal of Archaeology 11/2, 155-178.
Z.A. 1992: 'Isotope archaeology - reading the past in metals, minerals and
bone.' Endeavour, New Series, Volume 16, No.2. 85-90.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1992: 'Lead isotope studies in the Aegean - the
British Academy Project.' Advances in Archaeological Science. A.M.
Pollard ed. Proceedings of the British Academy 77, 63-108.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1992: Evaluating lead isotope data: comments on E.V.
Sayre, K.A. Yener, E.C. Joel and I.L. Barnes, 'Statistical evaluation of the
presently accumulated lead isotope data .... ‘Archaeometry, 34 (2),
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1993: Comments on P. Budd, D. Gale, A.M. Pollard, R.G.
Thomas and P.A. Williams 'Evaluating lead isotope data ... ' Archaeometry 35
(2), 252-259.
Z.A. 1993: 'Isotopic analyses of ores, slags and artefacts: the contribution to
archaeometallurgy.' Archeologia delle attivita estrattive e metallurgiche
(proceedings of a Summer School in Certosa di Pontignano-Campiglia Marittima
September 1991). Quaderni del Dipartimento
di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, Sezione Archeologica - Universita di Siena.
R. Francovich ed. Edizioni All'insegna de Giglio S.A.S. Florence. 593-627.
Z.A. 1993. 'Lead isotope provenance studies of the early Minoan weapons.'
Trade and Exchange in Prehistoric Europe. C. Scarre and F. Healy eds. Oxbow
Books, Oxford. 115-129.
Z.A. 1993. 'The origin of copper based metals from the Roman period settlement
of Jakuszowice in Southern Poland.' Journal of European Archaeology1/2,
Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 1994. 'The origin of metals excavated on Cyprus.' Chapter 3
in B. Knapp and J. Cherry eds. Provenance studies and Bronze Age Cyprus:
Production exchange and Politico-Economic change. Prehistory Press,
Madison. 92-122 and 210-216.
Z.A., Hunt-Ortiz, M. and Gale, N.H. 1994. 'Report on the results of the
elemental and lead isotope analyses of metal artefacts from Gatas and other
archaeological sites in its region, and of copper and lead ores from South-East
Spain.' In. Castro, P., Chapman, R,, Gili, S., Lull, V. Mico, R., Rihuete, C.
Risch, R. and M.E. Sanahuja. Proyecto Gatas 2. La
dinamica arqueoecologica de la ocupacion prehistorica.
Z.A., Gale, N.H. and Houghton, J. 1995. The origin of copper metal excavated in
El Amarna. In W.V. Davies and L. Schofield eds. Egypt, the Aegean and the
Levant: Interconnections in the 2nd millennium BC. British Museum Press,
London. 127-135.
Z.A., Gale, N.H., Houghton, J. and Speakman, R. 1995. Lead isotope analyses of
ores from the Western Mediterranean. Archaeometry 37, 2. 407-415.
Z.A., Gale, N.H. and Annetts, N. 1996. Lead isotope analyses of ores from the
Aegean. Archaeometry 38 (2). 381-390.
B.M. 1996. Lead isotope data from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford: Archaeometry
data base 2, galena from Britain and Ireland. Archaeometry 38/1, p.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1996. Lead isotope methodology: the possible
fractionation of lead isotope compositions during metallurgical processes. In Archaeometry
94 - The Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Archaeometry.
Eds. S. Demirci, A.M. Ozer and G.D. Summers. Ankara. 287-299.
N. Maggi, R., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Houghton, J. 1996. ‘Miniere
e metallurgia in Liguria fra IV millenio e IV secolo B.C.’ In La Miniera
l’uomo el’ambiente. Convegno di Studi –
Cassino, 2-4 giugno 1994. All’insegna del Giglio. Firenze. 15-52.
Gale, N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A.
and Fasnacht. W. 1997:
Movable finds: metal and metalworking in Alambra, a Middle Bronze Age site
in Cyprus. Investigations by Cornell University 1974-1985. (eds. J.E.
Coleman, J.A. Barlow, M.K. Mogelonsky and K.W. Schaar), 129-41 and 371-438.
N.H., Stos-Gale, Z.A., Maliotis, G. and Annetts, N. 1997. Lead isotope data
from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford: Archaeometry data base 4, ores
from Cyprus. Archaeometry 39 (1), 237-246.
Z.A., Maliotis, G., Gale, N.H. and Annetts, N. 1997. Lead isotope
characteristics of the Cyprus copper ore deposits applied to provenance studies
of copper oxhide ingots. Archaeometry 39 (1), 83-124.
Z.A., Gale, N.H., Annetts, N., Todorov, T., Lilov, P, Raduncheva, A. and
Panayotov, I. 1998. Lead isotope data from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford:
Archaeometry Database 5, Ores from Bulgaria. Archaeometry 40/1. 217-226.
Z., Maliotis, G. and Gale, N.H. 1998. A preliminary survey of the Cypriot slag
heaps and their contribution to the reconstruction of copper production on
Cyprus. In Metallurgica Antiqua, in Honour of Hans-Gert Bachmann and Robert
Maddin. Eds. T. Rehren, A. Hauptmann and J. Muhly. Deutches Bergbau Museum,
Bochum. 235-262.
Z.A. 1998. Lead isotope analyses of coins – a review. In A. Oddy and M.
Cowell, eds. Metallurgy in Numismatics, Vol 4. Royal Numismatic Society,
Special Publication No. 30. London. 348-366.
Z.A. 1998. The role of Kythnos and other Cycladic islands in the origins of
Early Minoan metallurgy. Meletimata 27, Kea-Kythnos: History and
Archaeology: Proceeding of the Kea-Kythnos Conference, Kea June 1994. L.
Mendoni and A. Mazarakis, Eds. Diffusion de Boccard, Paris & Athens. 717-736.
ISBN 960-7905-01-0
Z.A. 1998. Lead isotope provenance studies for metals in ancient Egypt. In Proceedings
of the 1st International conferenc3e on Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy
and Conservation of Metallic Artefacts. F.A Esmael, Ed. Ministry of Culture
& Supreme Council of Antiquities. Cairo. 273-285.
82. Stos-Gale, Z.A., Gale,
N.H., Bass, G., Pulak, C, Galili, E. and Sharvit, J. 1998. The copper and tin
ingots of the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean: New scientific evidence. In Proceedings
of The Fourth International Conference on the Beginning of the Use on Metals
and Alloys (BUMA-IV). The Japan Institute of Metals. Aoba, Japan. 115-126.
83.V. Rychner
and Z. Stos-Gale. 1998. ‘Compositions chimiques et isotopes du
plomb: la production métallique l’Âge du Bronze moyen et final en Suisse. Bronze
‘96/Neuchâtel. Ed. V. Rychner. Editions du C.T.H.S, Paris. 143-164.
N., Stos-Gale Z.A and M. Cowell, 1998: Lead isotope analyses of Greek coins of
Chios from the 6th - 4th centuries B.C. In A. Oddy and M. Cowell, eds. Metallurgy
in Numismatics, Vol 4. Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No.
30. London. 367-384.
L., Gale, N.H., Kim, H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A.1998: Lead isotope analyses of four
late archaic silver ingots from the Selinus hoard. In A. Oddy and M. Cowell,
eds. Metallurgy in Numismatics, Vol 4. Royal Numismatic Society, Special
Publication No. 30. London. 385-393.
86.Gale, N.H., Woodhead, A.P.,
Stos-Gale, Z.A., Walder, A. and Bowen, I. 1999. Natural variations detected in
the isotopic composition of copper: possible applications to archaeology and
geochemistry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 184.
87.Woodhead, A.P., Gale, N.H. and
Stos-Gale, Z.A. 1999. An Investigation of copper isotopes and its possible
application to archaeometallurgy. In S.M.M. Young, A.M. Pollard, P. Budd and
R.A. Ixer eds. Metals in Antiquity. BAR International Series 792.
88.Gale, N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A.
1999. The characterisation by lead isotopes of the ore deposits of Cyprus and
Sardinia and its bearing on the possibility of the lead isotope provenancing of
copper alloys. In S.M.M. Young, A.M. Pollard, P. Budd and R.A. Ixer eds. Metals
in Antiquity. BAR International Series 792. 120-133.
89.Gale, N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A.
1999. Copper oxhide ingots and the Aegean Metals Trade. New Perspectives. In:
P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur and W.-D. Niemeyer, eds. Aegeum
20. Meletemata – Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H.
Wiener. Université de Liege
& University of Texas at Austin. 267-278
Stos-Gale, Z.A., Sampson,
A. and Mangou, E. 1999. Analyses of metal artefacts from the Early Helladic
cemetery of Manika on Euboea. Aegean Archaeology, Vol 3. 1996. Art and
Archaeology, Warsaw. ISSN 1233-6246. 49-62.
Z.A., M. Kayafa and N.H. Gale 1999. The origin of metals from
the Bronze Age site of Nichoria. Opuscula Atheniensia, 24. Lund. 99-120.
Stos-Gale, S. 1999. Informe
sobre los analysis de artefactos metalicos de la Cova des Carritx, Es Forat de
Ses Aritges y la Cova des Mussol. In V. Lull, R. Mico, C.
Rihuete Herrada and R. Risch eds. Ideologia y sociedad en la prehistoria
Menorca. La Cova des Carritx y la Cova des Mussol. Conseil
Insular de Menorca, IMGESA Barcelona. 643-650
Z.A. 2000. Trade in Metals in the Bronze Age Mediterranean: an overview of Lead
Isotope Data for provenance studies. Metals
make the world go round: supply and circulation of metals in Bronze Age Europe. Ed. C.
Pare. Oxbow Books, Oxford. 56-69.
Z.A. 2000. Lead and strontium isotope ratios as indicators of the origin of raw
materials. Chapter in Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopedia.
L Ellis Ed. Garland Publishing, New York and London. 311-319.
Gale, Z.A. Stos-Gale 2000: ‘Copper Oxhide Ingots and the Mediterranean Metals
Trade: A New Perspective’, In G. K. Ioannides and S.A. Hadjistyllis (eds), Acts of the Third International Congress of
Cypriot Studies, Society of Cypriot Studies, Nicosia, 327-34
Gale, N. and Stos-Gale, Z.
2000. Lead isotope analyses applied to provenance studies. In Modern
Analytical methods in Art and Archaeology. Eds. E. Ciliberto and G. Spoto.
Chemical Analyses Series, Vol. 155. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-29361-X. Chapter 17,
Stos-Gale, Z.A., Gale, N.H.
and Evely, D. 2000. An interpretation of the metal finds using lead isotope and
chemical analytical procedures. In: E. Hallager and B.P. Hallager eds. The
Greek Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987.
Vol. II. Paul Åströms Förlag. Stockholm 206-214.
M., Stos-Gale, Z.A. and Gale, N.H. 2000. The circulation of copper in the Early
Bronze Age in Mainland Greece: the lead isotope evidence from Lerna, Lithares
and Tsoungiza. Metals make the world go round: supply and
circulation of metals in Bronze Age Europe. Ed. C.
Pare. Oxbow Books, Oxford. 39-55.
N.H. Gale, Z. Stos-Gale, A. Radouncheva, I. Ivanov, P. Lilov, T. Todorov
& I. Panayotov. (2000): Early Metallurgy in Bulgaria. Godishnik Nov Bulgarski
Universitet, Annuary Department of
Archaeology, IV-V: 102-68.
Northover, J.P.N., O’Brien,
W. and Stos, S. 2001. Lead isotope and metal circulation in Beaker/Early Bronze
Age Ireland. The Journal of Irish Archaeology, X. 25-47.
Z.A. 2001. The impact of the natural sciences on studies of Hacksilber and
early silver coinage. In: Hacksilber to coinage: new insights into the
monetary history of the Near East and Greece. Numismatic Studies No. 24.
(Ed. M. Balmuth), The American Numismatic Society, New York. 53-76.
Z.A. 2001. Minoan foreign relations and copper metallurgy in MMIII-LMIII Crete.
In A. Shortland Ed. The Social Context of Technological Change. Oxbow
Books, Oxford. 195-210.
Z.A. 2001. The development of Spanish metallurgy and copper circulation in
Prehistoric Southern Spain. In: III Congreso
Nacional de Arqueometria, Eds. B.M. Gomez Tubio, M.A. Respaldiza and
M.Luisa Pardo Rodriguez. Secretariado
de Publicaciones Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla. 445-456. ISBN: 84-472-0552-5
N. H. Gale and
S. Stos-Gale 2002. Archaeometallurgical
research in the Aegean. In M. Bartelheim, E. Pernicka and R. Krause Ed. The
beginnings of Metallurgy in the Old World. Forschungen
zur Archaeometrie und Altertumwissenschaft Band 1..Verlag
Marie Leidorf GmbH. Rahden/Westf. ISBN
3-89646-871-5. 277-302.
N.H. Gale
and Z. A. Stos-Gale (2002): ‘The Characterisation by Lead Isotopes of the Ore
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Isotope Provenancing of Copper Alloys’, in E. Jerem and K.T. Biro (eds.), Archaeometry 98, BAR Int. Series 1043 (II), 351-362.
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N.H. Gale and Z. A. Stos-Gale
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Bulgaria’, in P. Craddock and J. Lang (eds.), Mining and Metal Production Through the
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Conference (Yale 2002), Aegaeum 24 Liege, 83-102.
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(2003): Appendix 8.3, ‘Origin of Metals from Sitagroi as Determined by Lead
Isotope Analysis’, In E.S. Elster and C. Renfrew (eds.), Prehistoric Sitagroi, Vol. 2, Monumenta Archaeologica 20, 325-330.
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Yalcin, C. Pulak and R. Slota eds. Das Schiff von Uluburun –
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Gale, N.H.
2005. Die Kupferbarren aus von Uluburun. Teil 2: Bleiisotopenanalysen von
Bohrkernen aus den Barren. In U. Yalcin, C. Pulak and R. Slota
eds. Das Schiff von Uluburun – Welthandel vor 3000 Jahren. Bochum.
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Baker, J., Stos, S. and T. Waight. 2006. Lead isotope analysis of archaeological
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Zofia Stos and Noel Gale,
2006. Lead Isotope and Chemical Analyses of Slags from Chrysokamino. In P. P
Betancourt ed. The Chrysokamino metallurgy workshop and its territory. Hesperia, Supplement 36.The American
School of Classical Studies at Athens. 298-319.
N.H. and Stos-Gale, Z.A. 2007. Cross-cultural Minoan networks and the
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Archaeometallurgy, Eds. Susan La Niece, Duncan Hook and Paul Craddock,
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Stos-Gale (2008): ‘Changing Patterns in Prehistoric Cycladic Metallurgy’, in N.
Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas and C. Renfrew (eds.) Horizon: A Colloquium on the
Prehistory of the Cyclades, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research,
Cambridge, 387-408.
N.H. Gale. M. Kayafa and Z.A. Stos-Gale (2008): ‘Early Helladic
Metallurgy at Raphina, Attica, and the Role of Lavrion’, in I. Tzachili (ed.) Aegean Metallurgy in the Bronze Age,
University of Crete, Rethymnon, 87-104.
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AND LATE HELLADIC CRUCIBLES, Ayios Stephanos: Excavations at a Bronze Age and
Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia, by W.D. Taylour and R. Janko, British
School at Athens Studies 44, BSA 2008, in press.
Gale, N. H., M. Kayafa and Z. A.
Stos-Gale, 2009. ‘Further evidence for Bronze Age production of copper from
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P. Craddock, A. Hauptmann, J. Bayley, M. Cavallini, G. Garagnani, B. Gimour, S. La Niece, W. Nicodemi
and T. Rehren (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference:
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Z.A. 2009. Across the wine dark seas .. Sailor tinkers
and royal cargoes in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean. In: ‘From Mine to Microscope – Advances
in the Study of Ancient Technology’. Eds. A.J Shortland, I.C. Freestone and
T. Rehren. Oxbow Books, Oxford. ISBN 978 1 184217 259 9.163-180.
Stos-Gale, Z.A. and
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and Anthropological Sciences, Volume 1, Number 3, p. 195-213
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technology’. Eds. A.J Shortland, I.C. Freestone and T. Rehren. Oxbow Books,
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metal artefacts found on Cyprus – metal from Anatolia and the Western
Mediterranean. Trabajos de Prehistoria,
Vol.67/2. Madrid. 389-403.
N.H. 2011. Copper Oxhide Ingots and Lead Provenancing. . In: Metallurgy: understanding
how, learning why. Studies in Honour of James D. Muhly. Eds. PP. Betancourt
and S.C. Ferrence. Instap Academic Press Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 213-221.
Stos-Gale, Z.A. 2011. ‘Biscuits with ears: A search
for the origin of the earliest oxhide ingots’. In: Metallurgy: understanding how, learning why. Studies in Honour of
James D. Muhly. Eds. PP. Betancourt and S.C. Ferrence. Instap Academic Press
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Nemea Valley Archaeological Project, Vol. 1, The Early Bronze Age Village on
Tsoungiza Hill, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, 653
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Pyla-Kokkinokremos on Cyprus’. In V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka (eds.), On
Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and
Neighbouring Regions, Nicosia.
N. H. Gale and Z. A. Stos-Gale 2012.
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and Trade Networks in Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean’. In V. Kassianidou
and G. Papasavvas (eds.), Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the
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the National Archaeological Museum, Florence. In Festschrift for M. Benzi, BAR
International Series, Archaeopress, Oxford.
Noel H. Gale, Olivier Picard and J.N. Barrandon, 1988. The archaic Thasian
silver coinage, in G. A. Wagner , G. Weisgerber (eds.) Antike Edel- und Buntmetallgewinnung auf
Thasos, Der Anschnitt. Beiheft 6 , 212-223.
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In D.J. Pullen (ed.), Nemea Valley Archaeological Project, Vol. 1, The Early
Bronze Age Village on Tsoungiza Hill, American School
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N.H. 2011. ‘Source of the Lead Metal used to make a Repair Clamp on a Nuragic Vase recently excavated at Pyla-Kokkinokremos
on Cyprus’. In V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka (eds.), On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and
Neighbouring Regions, Nicosia.
H. Gale and Z. A. Stos-Gale 2012. ‘The Role of the Apliki
Mine Region in the Post c. 1400 B.C. Copper Production and Trade Networks in
Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean’. In V. Kassianidou and G. Papasavvas (eds.), Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and
Metalwork in the Second Millennium B.C., pp. 70-83. Oxbow Books/Oxford and
141. F.
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Triada (Crete) to the National Archaeological Museum,
Florence. In Festschrift for M. Benzi, BAR
International Series, Archaeopress, Oxford.